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The Phobia 2 Full Movie Free Download Torrent

Category:Thai films about revenge Category:Thai comedy films Category:Thai horror films Category:Thai thriller films Category:Thai films Category:Thai-language films Category:2000s comedy horror films Category:Thai ghost films Category:2000s ghost films Category:Thai comedy horror films Category:2000s horror thriller filmsQ: How to save output from a C program to a file using subprocess This program calculates how many minutes to take the following numbers. Is it possible to save the results of subprocess and the print() to the file? The code: import time import os os.system('cls') print('Inicial time') ini = time.time() print('El resultado de inicio de temporizacion sera'+ str(ini-3*60) +'minutos') os.system('cls') print('FINAL time') fin = time.time() print('El resultado de fin de temporizacion sera'+ str(fin-2*60) +'minutos') print('Mes:') print(str(int(fin-3*60)-int(ini))) print('Dias:') print(str(int(fin-3*60)-int(ini)-int(fin-4*60))) print('min:') print(str(int(fin-3*60)-int(ini)-int(fin-4*60))) print('minutes') os.system('cls') print() print('Se cumple la temporizacion a.') os.system('cls') print('El resultado de temporizacion de'+ str(ini-3*60) +'minutos es de'+ str(fin-2*60) +'minutos.') import subprocess['cls']) print('Resultado de temporizacion') file=open('temporizacion.txt','w') file.write(str(ini-3*60) +'minutos') file.close() A: This should do it: import time import os import ac619d1d87

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